Oven Roasted Yukon Gold Potatoes

Some quick and simple roasted potatoes. Works as a side, a quick snack, or breakfast.

This recipe is really just a rough guideline for most roasted vegetables. The seasoning, cook time, and cut shape can all be changed based on your preference. Just make sure if you change the cut size, that it remains uniform for all pieces. This exact process works with carrots, green beans, asparagus, and parsnips.

Be careful adding anything delicate, such as garlic or a large sized spice, as they’ll just get burnt using this method. I’m not sure about something like fresh thyme or rosemary.




  1. Adjust the rack to a high position and heat it to 450F.

  2. Clean and dry your potatoes. I like to use a cheap nail brush and a little bit of dawn soap to get them extra clean. I think it’s important to dry them well to get a good crispy skin.

  3. Chop your potatoes in 1x1x0.5 inch pieces and throw them into the mixing bowl. Toss them in enough oil to coat (a little extra won’t hurt) and the seasoning of your choice.

  4. Spread them out on the tray. Make sure the biggest cut side faces downward for best cooking results.

  5. Cook them for about 25-30 minutes. Your’s should look a bit more done that mine in the picture. These went for 20 minutes and they should’ve gone a lot longer.

  6. Set the broiler to high and check them every 20-30 seconds. DO NOT LEAVE DURING THIS STAGE. THEY CAN TURN TO CARBON NUGGETS VERY QUICKLY. Mine finished in about 1:30 mins.

  7. When you plate them, don’t forget something underneath to prevent them from getting soggy.

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