Pesto Flap Steak

The flap slaps.

The meat came in a pack of 2 flaps. I cut each flap in half. What you see on the plate is a single flap. flap flap flap.

I cover it in kosher salt then let it reach room temperature. The idea is to cook it until it’s almost ready, then to schmear on some pesto.

Melanie gave us a couple varieties of special peppercorns. I swapped out the Peppercorn Royal with French Peppercorn because the back of the bottle said it went well with steak.

I’m still trying to figure out the heat on this burner. Usually it’s center of the earth hot and I regret my purchasing decision, but this time around I went really low on the gas and the oxygen and had, what I think, was a good result.


on super low low low heat


Cooked it for a little bit on both sides then gave it a schmear of pesto.

Flipped it with the pesto and gave it a quick sear to get it all heated through.

Cooked a second one.

Not bad, but just one would’ve fed both Lauren and I. It was about $6 per steak and a giant jar of costco pesto was $8.


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